Friday, April 3, 2009

Impromtu Parties

Folks, I'm just going to start throwing impromptu, short-notice parties. Another almnost 700,000 people lost their jobs last month. That's insane. I read about families all over the place suffering greatly. I can't handle that. I can do my own, small part - and I'm going to do it whenever I can. I give away food here and there on Craigslist. After the last party, I advertised some leftover stuff and the first family was here in less than 25 to 30 minutes after I posted the ad, asking for the food. I wanted to honor those that gave money and food towards the party and give it to people that really need it.

I have no idea where any of this is going to end. I don't believe anytime soon. In the interim, families that were living off of good/decent/whatever incomes are now on unemployment benefits and probably food stamps. You pay your bills - if you can do that on unemployment - and there isn't going to be anything left over. Food stamp benefits are awesome for those that need it - but doubtful enough to last an entire month.

As long as I'm still employed and bringing in a paycheck along with having tenants - I will do what I can. And again, I want to thank everyone that brought food for the party. Much of it was devoured - most of the rest of it was given to hungry people. Your food did not go to waste and it helped some people - if ever so temporal.


  1. Hi Ben, glad to hear there will be future dinners as I'd love to participate by bringing food. I love to cook, especially for a great cause like this, helping each other out. I'll keep checking back with your blog for future events, or shoot me an email!

    Thanks :)

  2. Hi Peggy:
    Well, I'm sort of experimenting with just having something small every weekend. As many as want to come are welcomed. More of a feed the masses event than a party - but I do like the party atmosphere : ) and I love cooking on the BBQ outdoors!
    Thank you once again for the generous donation for the last party, truly appreciated!
