Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Recent "Doings"

I thought I'd write this entry simply because of the amazement to me of the circumstances and what happened.

As you know, I have posted ads on the free section of Craigslist for some time now in either giving out free food or free meals. In recent times, it's been entirely free meals, though I am still getting numerous requests for food (to take home, not eat at my place). My hours have been cut back at work twice and I'm doing well just to stay afloat - giving out a lot of food isn't exactly in my cards at the moment, but giving out meals is still something I am actively doing.

Anyway, a couple of homeless guys found my ad on CL - they went to the library and were looking on the free section - and asked to come over. I felt really bad for these guys - they didn't want to be on the streets, had been in that position for quite a long time. They came over several times and I fed them well, of course. One of the guys is bound to a wheelchair and the other guy takes care of him the best he can.

Well, last week, I got a call from them. They had panhandled enough money to get a small dwelling unit. They were calling from a neighbor's house to ask if I could bring them over some food and some nails and such. I HAD to see this for myself. I have been dealing with the homeless for around 25 years now, I have only a couple of times actually seen any of them get off the street on their own. The rest either lived in shelters or just lived in parks or whatever and really just felt the whole situation to futile to do anything about it.

I don't judge (try not to, anyway, I'm only human) these people, I just help them however I can whenever I can. I personally do not give money to panhandlers because I have seen so many times the money being used to buy drugs, but that's just my take on it. Instead, I offer the person a free meal. I'm quite sure that Glen - the healthy guy - uses Gary - the wheelchair bound guy (and no, Gary is not faking it, he had a stroke at whatever poipnt in life and can't talk right and can't walk at all that I have seen) to panhandle. For the use that Glen took the money, I'm all for it. It's a legitimate use versus using the money for meth or pot. For the record, Glen would rather go find work than panhandle, but he has been stuck taking care of Gary who basically needs someone around all the time.

I went over there that day - mostly wanted to see this with my own eyes. I was truly astounded to see actually see them in there, Glen was busy building a ramp so that he could more easily get Gary up over those tall stairs. The unit has a refrigerator; evaporative cooling and he is trying to get the electricity turned on - meanwhile "borrowing" electricty from the neighbor next door (with permission of course) through the use of an extension cord.

Glen asked if I could find anything for the house. There is nothing, literally - in it. I wrote an ad on Craigslist - the wanted section - the story about these 2 and asked anyone if they could donate whatever towards the house. A lady named Terri responded. Terri lives in Cave Creek, which is a long, long way off from where Glen and Gary live. My ad included that if the items were too large to fit in a car, the person would also have to take the items to the residence as I do not have a pickup truck. Yup - Terri went well out of her way to take these guys some beds and other items that they really needed.

So, my hat's off to Terri. Craigslist may have a bunch of creepy people on it, but there are plenty of warm-hearted, normal people that go there, too.

And, of course, if anyone from the Phoenix area has anything they want to donate to these people - a couch; food; personal hygiene items; cleaning supplies; any and all kinds of kitchen items; chair/s; towels; everything you need in a home, let me know in a note on this entry and we can discuss further in email.

On another note, I had an ad up on CL under the free section - actually I always have a running ad on there - and a guy contacted me yesterday asking for "any fourth of july leftovers" - is how he put it. I wrote him back and asked his circumstances. Unemployed, looking for work living in a house with another guy, said he hadn't eaten in over 24 hours. I wonder how common this is becoming everywhere with people laid off, unemployed and going through their own, personal hells?

I said I wasn't handing out free food - but I made an exception here. He was happy to get bologna; hot dogs; some hamburgers meat and a couple packages of chicken breast that is on sale this week at Basha's at 77 cents per pound and some bread to go along with it.

That's it for now!


  1. Ben, I don't know how I've missed your journal here, but I am sitting here with tears in my eyes after reading about your efforts. THIS IS AWESOME, and when i think about how many of us waste food that if we were a little more conscious about what we buy, that we could take that money and help another in need, what a better place this world would be.

    I applaud you. Thank you for this- *hugs*

  2. Hi Wizzy!
    I haven't even had to place a Craigslist ad for anything recently simply because the requests I have already been getting are more than I am capable of doing anything with. I do what I can - I think it's caught on to some degree judging from numerous emails I've received from people saying they are going to do their own version of it. Thanks for the kinds words - I'm simply doing something that's in my heart to do for people - and right now - there are a lot of people out there that could use a little boost - even from a stranger. Hugs back to ya!
