Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So, I've totally changed my thinking about this situation and have been posting ads for free, cooked meals on any day that anyone wants to come. This seems to me to be more useful to those that have lost their jobs and are scratching and clawing to get by.
The meals I am giving out are not soup and crackers.
The thing that is happening that I am really liking is the fact that many people have now emailed me and said they are going to start feeding people that live in their area as well.
I am still considering doing another party - perhaps at a nearby park. However, it's much easier to execute such a thing at home with everything at hand instead of having to load everything up into the car and haul it over there.
So - I'm still not sure what I'm going to do about that and since I have started a different approach to this situation, I'm not feeling very pressed about it. There is 1 family and several individuals that are coming over today for dinner.

The people that are writing are seriously hurting. I'm not talking life-long moochers of the system, I'm talking about people with extreme work ethics who have been laid off from their jobs. These people would NEVER in normal times ask anyone for anything. One of the people that has come over here was obviously having a problem with their own view of taking handouts. As I have repeatedly stated - I make this a painless process. I am all about preserving the dignity of folks that are hit upon very bad times.

My statement for repayment someday is simply this: pay it forward. I don't want to be repaid, I want those people to see an opportunity when they are back on their feet to help someone out in whatever way and help them instead. This is the mentality of the society my parents grew up in - people that went through the Great Depression. This is the America that I know and love. Politics and harsh, personal opinion need to take a backseat when considering whoever it is that you know or know of that could use a helping hand - but that's just my opinion.


  1. its absolutely wonderful, what you are doing. god bless you!

  2. Thank you, anonymous!
    I am potentially receiving a small "windfall" soon, if I receive that, I am going to definitely have another food-fest party.
    Oh, and God bless you, too!
