Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Date Is Set At March 28th, 2009

Hi everyone!
I'm using this blog as a contact point for everyone to be able to communicate with each other.
That can simply be done by leaving comments - those of you who wish so, can comment with each other back and forth.
As for me, I have no ulterior motives in this.
I have had people write me and tell me that they thought this was a scam (several of those) or that I am a nutcase - and a few other things.
My heart is pure in this - and apparently that came through and commented as such.

There is NO profit being made here, I am not asking for donations for my own personal use, I have not asked anyone for anything excepting for those that want to help out on the day of the party.
Channel 15 news got wind of the first party and wants to follow through with this one.
Although I really don't want the media involved with this, on the other hand, I do believe a bright spot in the daily depth and death of finanicial news might be a good thing.
I watch this stuff closely - my job is at stake as well as everyone else's.
Without going into all the negativity - we get enough of that - the good news is that this financial meltdown does have an ending to it, we will make it through this - though many in very undesirable conditions - and hopefully we can come out the other side without a lot of bitterness, hate, anger or eternal fear.

I want everyone to come. Everyone that wants to come - poor, rich, whatever - employed, unemployed - lost your home, about to lose your home, no fear of losing your home - if you have any inclination in being a part of this, your status should not be a factor.

Let's spark the ignition of hope into our community. The whole thing is a statement - not just a party (though I love parties!).

I will start emailing back everyone that has emailed me about wanting to be a part in whatever way - and everyone will get this URL.

If you like, in the comments, introduce yourself, who you are - where you're at - the human element must never be lost.


  1. You just have created a new trend for caring people in this country. I hope for the best to all out there and know the feeling of loosing a job, mine has been gone since Aug and still no job since. My wife moved here from NYS for a new start but guess we picked a real bad time to do this. All I know is that we the people must come together and say we have enough, media should know about what you are doing, it is from the heart and people have to see there are still people with one. If you need help with this party let me know and we would would do what we could, physical labor and such.
    Billy and Julie

  2. Hi Billy and Julie!
    It'd be cool to have people helping with putting out food and just keep things flowing if enough people are going to show up. So far about 20 people have RSVP'd, with a lot more inquiries and then there's everyone that's just reading along. Those lurkers - you're welcome to come, too!
    Anyway, I have you 2 down on the RSVP list, but if you could send me an email through the CL site I will then have yours to send the confirmation email with my address on it - be sending that out to everyone about a week or less before the date of the party.

  3. the people who need this the most probably don't have access to a computer. So flyers or public announcment is a good thing.

  4. Hello, anonymous:
    You'd be amazed at what people will do to get on the internet. I've received a LOT of email from people that are jobless - in this society, you are basically lost without a computer and access to the internet. If nothing else, people go to the public library and use one there. I guess some people are "riding" on wi-fi signals - others "take" unsecured wireless network access. I pretty much wanted to keep this a Craigslist affair - though it certainly isn't a bad idea in thinking about putting out flyers - I do have a limit to the number of people I would want to try to get onto this property over here.

  5. ben Dear, great idea except if you advertise booze, you'll get more than you expected, so be forewarned, there are people out there who will do ANYTHING for a free brewski!
    i'm not one tho LOL
    dont' drink!
    good luck you Great American, You!
    sherry in phx

  6. Greeting's
    I come from Tulsa,Oklahoma.
    We have 4 young boys and we know how it feels to be completely down on our luck.
    I learned alot through those stressful,broke,busted and disgusted moments.
    One thing I will NEVER lose is God's goodness.
    I would be broke and find a dimes everywhere.
    One day I asked God "Whats this Dime buisness all about?" He told me to read it. So, I looked at it very closely and read "TRUST IN GOD!"
    All that time he just wanted me to line my heart,my thoughts,my words with his word.
    I can truly tell you If you will choose to stand in Faith and do what you know to do and maintain a Peaceful MIND!!! God will turn your life around on a DIME!!!! Matt 7:7
    Bless ya'all godsgirl1@cox.net

  7. Sherry: Everything in moderation!
    I have serious doubts - from what I have read - that most people are coming for a few drinks. I really don't want a drunken debauchery going, anyway. That isn't what this is about. Many people indicated they want to come simply to meet new people. Some very fine families - from what I read into anyway - are coming and a lot of nice single folk, too. Take care!
    godsgirl: Good words!

  8. All I can say to you is God Bless. My fiance and I have talked about your CL ad many times. We are lucky enough to be blessed at this time of hardship with job security and a wonderfully supportive family.While there isn't an excess by any means, we always have enough. We live in an apartment right now but in the fall when we get to move into a house we are planning on doing the same thing you are doing. Sometimes people just need to know there is hope and they aren't alone.
    Again, God Bless, and I wish everyone... enough.

  9. Tiffany: I am hoping that people will see the merit in this and start doing this kind of thing for and in their own communities. I have invited some of the community around here via flyers - will be interested in seeing the turnout. There are people all around you - me -everyone - that are not eating well because - they simply can't afford it. Pay the bills and eat with whatever's left over. People that never dreamed of going on food stamps - are going on food stamps. Exactly what that system was meant for. I'm not dissing anyone - if I were in that situation, I would do the same thing. You pay into the system all your life - a moment of need and you definitely expect to be able to get something in return.
    People don't want to be humiliated or lose their dignity so they may not say anything about their dire need. But - it's all around now. ALL around us - we just need to open our eyes and really see it - if you are so inclined. I'm thinking of converting this into a smaller - weekly thing after this coming Saturday's event for people in my community, many of which I know first-hand are in great need. When you look at the majority of the people in these situations now, you see people that have worked hard all of their lives.
    Your last sentence - very nice - enough. At least enough to get by.
