Sunday, March 8, 2009


I've had numerous emails from people stating that the day I have picked isn't a good one for them - asking whether I can change the date or just let them know when I do another one.
It's certainly early enough that the date could be changed.
My reading into all of this is that Sunday is a better day than Saturday because there are many people that work on Saturdays.

Enough consensus and I can change the date to a Sunday - let me know!
This second party will consist of mostly the same thing I had at the first:
BBQ-ed pulled pork sandwiches
Hot Dogs
Maybe a few steaks
Chips and dip
Maybe a few beers (but do not want to turn this into drunken debauchery, thanks!)

My house is located near 40th Street & Baseline in Phoenix, near the Tempe/Phoenix border.
If the date doesn't get changed, I will be sending out emails to everyone that RSVP'ed with my address.
Anyone wanting to help out or bring food - please do! (and please let me know what you intend on doing so I can account for that).
But- I am not expecting that of anyone, especially those that have lost homes, jobs and are struggling. Some people have stated that they can't even make it here for lack of funds to put gas in their gas tanks.
And - if you're well off, come anyway! The more the merrier!


  1. the 28th is fine for me but the 29th is cool too

  2. Hi anonymous!
    Please email me through the CL listing so I can email you about a week before the party with directions to my house and also how many are coming with you (if any more).

  3. Hi! I'm anonymous from Illinois. I think you had a wonderful idea and I would like to bring food to your party. My husband was let go from his job and it looks like we will foreclose on our house soon. Our situation is not as bad as some because at least I am still working. This is very encouraging. I hope it is a huge success for everyone!

  4. Hi Illinois anonymous!
    I'm very sorry to hear about your husband's job loss and even moreso the pending foreclosure. If I could help people like you in this scenario - I definitely would. I have thought of attempting to start a fund for people that ARE in the position to be able to help - but there would have to be a way to legitimize it so that people wouldn't think they are donating to some sort of fraud type of thing - plenty of THAT going around these days. Perhaps someone has a suggestion on that. Even some sort of start-up, volunteer, non-profit organization that simply takes money from anyone willing to give whatever amounts and then take applications on a first-come, first-served basis.
    Just an idea I've been floating around.....

  5. Hello Ive tried responding thru CL but I keep getting a message that its undeliverable.
    I would like to attend the dinner . I am a single grandma raising 2 young grandchildren that were abandoned by their mom. My other daughter lives with me with her 2 yr old and heps babysit while I work. My mom will be visiting from Tx and she works with St Vincent De Paul at the homeless shelter in TX. Would be nice to show her how we have people who can get together without desrimination and get along at a time like this. I will bring what I can to helpout as well. We are 3 adults and 4 children under 5 yrs of age. Please get back to me at thank you

  6. Hello BenB,
    My husband and I would love to attend your party. He is disabled and I am working but sometimes just 2 shifts per week, but lucky I am not completely out of a job just yet and hope it doesn't happen anytime soon. It will be 2 ppl attending at this time but will e-mail if my sister and her family would like to come. You must have a caring heart and thats what this world needs.
    See you soon!

  7. Anonymous: I got your email, sorry I haven't got back to you sooner, I have been very busy the last couple of days. Your entire family would be more than welcomed to come! I will reply to your email as soon as I can get to it - I just have a juggleload of things going on here this week.
    Anonymous 2: Sorry to hear about your job situation. Yes, those of us that are still employed should count our "lucky stars" that we are still in the mode, because there are a LOT of people out there that need and want our jobs! Personally, I'm doing whatever I can at work to make myself as valuable and "keepable" as possible. I spoke with a foreman of a huge construction company today - they didn't fire anyone but they but hours back to 35 per week. That would be a tough hurdle to overcome - but it's far better than standing in the unemployment line!
    Please email through the Craigslist ad so I can have your email to send you the address and a reminder note of the party. I won't send that until about 5 or 6 days before the party. Actually, I may just set up a temporary email account for this and post it on here. Anyway, you are definitely welcomed to come and am looking forward to meeting you - and everyone else!
