Sunday, March 15, 2009

Drawing Closer

Just a couple of weeks until the next party!
I have been replying to a lot of emails - some are RSVP'ing for the party, others are making comments.
If you sent me an RSVP email and I haven't replied to it yet, please re-send. I have had a lot of email and may have missed yours.
Also, the question of children has arisen.
Of course children are welcome, I have a teenaged son and his friends who spend entire weekends over here!
Also just wanted to say thank you to the gentleman that sent a donation towards the party - greatly appreciated and will be used for the purpose you intended it for.

Again - for those that are just coming onto this blog - this is a free dinner. I do not expect or require anyone to bring anything. If you DO bring something, that would be great! If you show up empty-handed - no problem! If you show up empty-handed with a dozen people - cool! This is sort of a dinner and BBQ combined, as I will be grilling steaks, hamburgers, brats and hot dogs, but there will also be coleslaw and probably some sort of side dish as well, as well as various kinds of drinks.

As for the economy - well, we all know where that is right now. Personally, my company is shutting down stores, laying off people and are talking about combining divisions. 10% of our workforce was let go early last year, another couple thousand nationwide have been let go since then. As all companies are doing - they are doing whatever they have to to survive, unfortunately, that means workforce reductions (nice way to put it). I feel very fortunate to still be amongst the employed - but there are no guarantees.

Anyway, I just wanted to do an update and let everyone know the party is still a go!
Have a great day!


  1. Hi Ben,
    My name is Kathleen. I talked to you on the phone and gave you my e-mail address, but never got any more info about the address for the party. I also want to bring some food.

  2. Hi Kathleen:
    I am going to send out an email to everyone that RSVP'ed this coming weekend with the address and directions - also serve as a reminder of the upcoming event. Please bring whatever food you desire to bring - I encourage everyone that is going to bring food that when I send out the emails this weekend to please reply back and let me know what you are bringing.

  3. I gave you my best e-mail. you can also try

  4. Ben,

    I am a pastor in PHX. I can provide some food for you. Please call me at 480-239-7333. Dr. Moses Onciu

  5. sorry, my email is Dr. Moses

  6. Hi pastor:
    I'm sorry I missed your comment here - a little late for me to go get food anywhere else besides the nearest grocery store as I have way too much to do before the party time tomorrow. Thank you for the great offer - if the turnout is good, I will probably do another party a month or so from now - if you still want to help then, that would be great!
