Sunday, March 8, 2009

Is This A Scam?

Just want to address that issue on this third posting on this blog.
I have no ulterior motives, I am not selling something, there will be no sexual advances when you come over here. I am not a mortgage broker or a "modification specialist". I work in the Waterworks industry - which sells fire hydrants and underground pipe to contractors. I don't know of too many households that I could sell that kind of stuff to, so you're pretty safe there.

I am also not a religious fanatic - though I have ties to religion, you aren't going to get preached at.

If there's one point I want to make through these parties - it's a very simple one: I firmly believe that the old ways are the best ways - people take care of people. Still many people in the U.S. that also believe this - help one another if you can help. If you can't - don't worry about it. Do what you can. If you're the one in need, it never used to be that you had to hide it because you would lose your dignity and pride. No-one wants to be humiliated. How can you help it if you lost your job because the company you are working for is tanking due to the economy? You can't.
That cascades into losing your home. Potentially and realistically in many cases, that can result in being homeless. This is a national tragedy that is affecting literally millions and millions of lives - both adult and children. We see it in the news, but do you see it personally? Odds are - eventually - you will. I have received hundreds of emails from people that have lost their jobs and now are going to lose their homes. It's no longer just the bad deals that were made, now it's affecting the working class that - wouldn't be losing their homes if they hadn't lost their jobs.

In my humble opinion, we simply need to start looking around us. People don't want to look like they're needy. Do we know our neighbors? Do you know the family 2 doors down? 3 doors down? People you know could be hurting tremendously and you may know nothing about it. It's a simple matter of starting to ask what's going on with your neighbors, your friends, your family. The families that are JUST barely eeking by on one income - those people could use a little extra food. Maybe pay an electric bill for them, whatever you can do! I KNOW there are people that are not hurting - everything's fine and rosy regardless and you are the folks that can help.

That is my heart in all of this. If I can start a spark - if something could start happening all over the valley - where people open their eyes and realize that the Joneses are no longer trying to do anything but stay afloat - maybe we can ease this suffering just a little bit.

Hey, I lost hours at work. Enough that I had to make some serious choices about things around my home. I made my choices and now? Foreclosure isn't a word I'm willing to have to deal with in my personal life - I will fight and claw and do whatever I have to to make it through this mess. So are many, many other people. The effect of what I ended up doing actually has caused me to have more than I need. Which is pretty cool, and I don't even have to go to a second job (and not, I am not doing anything immoral or illegal).

The invitation to this party/dinner is open to everyone - whether you are doing great or you are hurting badly. I intend on having a good time - just like at the last party.


  1. Is this BenB from JS?

  2. Yes, this is Benb - formely of JS (Journalspace which crashed). I have a blog over there now but I don't do anything with it. I just went to your blog - I would have to say that things apparently aren't going too well?

  3. Ah. I was having a bad day that day. Things are up and down, mostly because of the economy. I think what you're doing is wonderful. Having known you for 4 years on JS, it's no suprise to me that you're the one setting this up... it's just in your nature to do good. I will send you an RSVP through CL for me and my guy.

    Keep up the good works Ben. You're a good man.

  4. Thanks, Sugarcane! Love to have you guys come over!

  5. Ben, have you thought about making this an event on Facebook? This is such a great idea and it makes me very happy that someone is doing this. You're great :)

  6. anonymous: Sorry I missed your comment until now. I have never done Facebook, I'm pretty much unfamiliar with it. I have been doing blogs for 5 years now - on numerous sites. I love doing a daily journal and writing about the things going on in my life, and I love going to other people's blogs and reading about their daily lives as well. You get a glimpse into the lives of people in a way you would never see. I'm assuming Facebook is a blog site or something similar to it.
