Sunday, March 22, 2009


Today - and tomorrow probably - I will be sending out emails to everyone that RSVP'ed for this coming Saturday's party. If you RSVP'ed but don't receive a confirmation email from me with my address and directions by the end of tomorrow - please write me again.

I actually have no idea how many people will actually show versus the number that have RSVP'ed - which is why I am continuing to take anyone that wants to come on the list.

What I do continue to receive are some pretty sad stories about families that have no income besides unemployment and many that are facing homelessness.

I simply don't have the answers, but I'm with you and I hope that somehow, everyone finds a way through all of this.

Also, a couple named Bill and Julie had voiced their desire to come -on the comments section of one of these blog entries, but I never got an email from you to send you my address - the ad is still up on CL, if you can simply reply to that ad I can send you the information.

Hope everyone has a great day, regardless of the chaotic climate going on around us.


  1. Hey folks - I was at Ben's last party. He's for real, no scam or anything shady, and you do NOT want to miss out on his pulled pork or his coleslaw! :)

    I will be there again, and bringing some pretty yummy stuff myself. I'm just posting this to encourage anyone who may feel "iffy" to go ahead and show up. Really, it's nothing weird. Just come and meet a lot of new people and have some real good food.

  2. just found your post on craigslist. sounds like a blast! i'm going to RSVP for myself, my husband and our little girl. 3 people total and we likely bring a dessert. if our plans should change, i will let you know. my email is

  3. I ran across your posting on CL. While I most likely won't make it to the dinner.. thanks so much for helping to bring back the old ways of life, and community. Hopefully the more we bring back the old tenants of caring and supporting each other in rough waters, the more others will pass them along.

  4. I'd like to RSVP for myself and my roommate. I think this sounds awesome! Please send the directions to We'll bring deviled eggs!

  5. I'd like to commend Ben & Julie, I live to far away to attend, but it sounds like they really care and are trying to be positive. I wish them the best, and thank them for caring....:)

  6. This sounds like such an amazing idea! In times like this, we need to take care of each other. :D Please count me in.

  7. Way to keep up the positive energy. God will bless all of you in due time. I wish all of you the best of luck. Now i need to figure out How I am going to pay the light bill.

  8. i contacted you when i frist came along your ad on cl..i had offered to take a loerider cop car and hit some switches just so the kids a parents could have a good time and see something new. I also know how hard times can be as my husband was recently laid off of work and i work as many hours as i can, and my youngest daughter had to stop goin to college. i would really enjoy just taking the car and for the families to see. please get bakc to me at

  9. Hi everyone.
    Besides these requests, I have several emails I will be replying to today on RSVP's.
    Just haven't had time!
    RE: the light bill - Phoenix has a setup where you can apply for one electric bill to be paid - it's kind of a pain as you have to go do the place, be there EARLY - but if you get in before the maximum limit, they take you app and hopefully pay that bill and actually the water bill as well.
    Wish I could help ya!

  10. Sorry, yes, I remember the offer on the cop car. If you want to bring it by, that would be cool for the kids. I'll send you an email later today.

  11. I would like to RSVP for myself, my dad, my sister-in-law and her niece (who are currently homeless and in my home) and my other friend who is also homeless and in my home. I am disabled and my hubby is currently unemployed so I understand what scared is. Thank you for caring.

    Lynn S.

  12. This is an awesome thing you are doing! I'm a single parent who was laid off from a job of 12 yrs. I am wondering what's in store for my family when I can no longer pay my rent(unemployment is pay that but nothing else)
    I have to look for work that I have no skills for, no education for, and no foreseeable hope of making good for my child. God Bless you for what you are trying to do....

  13. This is truely amazing, it brings so much joy to my heart that there are people out there doing so much for others. Good Karma :)
