Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I had thoughts of doing another cookout this month, but the temps are still WAY to high and I don't expect a decent turnout when it's 106 degrees outside and people are being subjected to baking to death.

Therefore, I am shooting for sometime in October - probably early October - and will be doing a full-fledged Craigslist Free Meal ad for such when I am relatively certain that the temps are going to be nice outside, versus hot.

The economic outlook may sound rosy to those that are doing such projections in the news - but when you see that there are still over 500,000 people per month losing their jobs; foreclosures allegedly going into "Phase II"; and people are going to start losing they unemployment benefits, I only see it as getting WORSE and for a while to come.

In the interim, I have still been giving out food here and there. My own financial situation has taken several turns for the worse, but I'm still floating and as long as that is the case, I will still continue to help people as much as I possibly can. I do believe as the situation worsens, more people will be looking for help in whatever way they can find it. Food banks are already over-stressed. They are calling this a recession, I am beginning to think that when this is all said, done, over with and looking back, it's going to be determined that this was a full-blown depression.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Recent "Doings"

I thought I'd write this entry simply because of the amazement to me of the circumstances and what happened.

As you know, I have posted ads on the free section of Craigslist for some time now in either giving out free food or free meals. In recent times, it's been entirely free meals, though I am still getting numerous requests for food (to take home, not eat at my place). My hours have been cut back at work twice and I'm doing well just to stay afloat - giving out a lot of food isn't exactly in my cards at the moment, but giving out meals is still something I am actively doing.

Anyway, a couple of homeless guys found my ad on CL - they went to the library and were looking on the free section - and asked to come over. I felt really bad for these guys - they didn't want to be on the streets, had been in that position for quite a long time. They came over several times and I fed them well, of course. One of the guys is bound to a wheelchair and the other guy takes care of him the best he can.

Well, last week, I got a call from them. They had panhandled enough money to get a small dwelling unit. They were calling from a neighbor's house to ask if I could bring them over some food and some nails and such. I HAD to see this for myself. I have been dealing with the homeless for around 25 years now, I have only a couple of times actually seen any of them get off the street on their own. The rest either lived in shelters or just lived in parks or whatever and really just felt the whole situation to futile to do anything about it.

I don't judge (try not to, anyway, I'm only human) these people, I just help them however I can whenever I can. I personally do not give money to panhandlers because I have seen so many times the money being used to buy drugs, but that's just my take on it. Instead, I offer the person a free meal. I'm quite sure that Glen - the healthy guy - uses Gary - the wheelchair bound guy (and no, Gary is not faking it, he had a stroke at whatever poipnt in life and can't talk right and can't walk at all that I have seen) to panhandle. For the use that Glen took the money, I'm all for it. It's a legitimate use versus using the money for meth or pot. For the record, Glen would rather go find work than panhandle, but he has been stuck taking care of Gary who basically needs someone around all the time.

I went over there that day - mostly wanted to see this with my own eyes. I was truly astounded to see actually see them in there, Glen was busy building a ramp so that he could more easily get Gary up over those tall stairs. The unit has a refrigerator; evaporative cooling and he is trying to get the electricity turned on - meanwhile "borrowing" electricty from the neighbor next door (with permission of course) through the use of an extension cord.

Glen asked if I could find anything for the house. There is nothing, literally - in it. I wrote an ad on Craigslist - the wanted section - the story about these 2 and asked anyone if they could donate whatever towards the house. A lady named Terri responded. Terri lives in Cave Creek, which is a long, long way off from where Glen and Gary live. My ad included that if the items were too large to fit in a car, the person would also have to take the items to the residence as I do not have a pickup truck. Yup - Terri went well out of her way to take these guys some beds and other items that they really needed.

So, my hat's off to Terri. Craigslist may have a bunch of creepy people on it, but there are plenty of warm-hearted, normal people that go there, too.

And, of course, if anyone from the Phoenix area has anything they want to donate to these people - a couch; food; personal hygiene items; cleaning supplies; any and all kinds of kitchen items; chair/s; towels; everything you need in a home, let me know in a note on this entry and we can discuss further in email.

On another note, I had an ad up on CL under the free section - actually I always have a running ad on there - and a guy contacted me yesterday asking for "any fourth of july leftovers" - is how he put it. I wrote him back and asked his circumstances. Unemployed, looking for work living in a house with another guy, said he hadn't eaten in over 24 hours. I wonder how common this is becoming everywhere with people laid off, unemployed and going through their own, personal hells?

I said I wasn't handing out free food - but I made an exception here. He was happy to get bologna; hot dogs; some hamburgers meat and a couple packages of chicken breast that is on sale this week at Basha's at 77 cents per pound and some bread to go along with it.

That's it for now!

Monday, June 8, 2009


I know it's been quite a while since I've posted anything, but in terms of what I am doing, nothing has really changed.
I am still feeding people out of my home, but have slowed way down on giving out food to people since I have lost even more hours at work - 5 more hours a week gone.
Although it was a financial blow, the flipside is not having a job at all - so I remain thankful to have any kind of employment to go to rather than being out there with millions of other people looking for jobs that basically do not exist.

Honestly, I have no idea on any given day if I will be employed by the end of that day. Our company is laying off people just like a mulitude of other companies - there are no guarantees.

I have received countless emails from people going through living hell - some of them have taken up my offer, some people just can't quite get past the idea of going go someone's home for a "handout".

My next strategy to help those people overcome that is simply to start posting one day per week - probably a Saturday - at a given time - where I will do a cookout and just wrap up food to go. I have no ulterior motives here other than to give people something good to eat. If you were to see the email I recieve - well - it could easily be your neighbors with the 3,000 square foot house and Hummer sitting in the driveway that are suffering so badly, they are resigned to eating bologna and hot dogs and whatever else is on the cheap.

Seriously - for those of you that are not hurting financially - I implore you to start talking to your neighbors and friends. People have their dignity and pride, they don't WANT to go around looking like beggars asking for handouts. It's all in how you approach the subject. Very cautiously, obviously, but there are people all around everyone at this point that show one face outside and are living in want inside of their homes. I feel especially for the kids of these families. I am not telling anyone what to do, but if you have it in your heart to help people - perhaps starting on your own street is a good place to start looking. When you look at the numbers of people being laid off every single month, it's a staggering number. Don't let the media's downplay of it fool you, a half million people plus losing jobs every month is an unbelievable amount. That's the size of a medium sized city without jobs.

I intend to continue on with this as long as I am financially able to do so. I have plenty to lose - just like everyone else - my house being on the forefront - but so far, having tenants renting rooms in my house is enough to offset the loss of hours at work. To put my situation into a little clearer perspective, I am down about a grand a month in pay. I've done what everyone else is doing - cut out the things in life you don't absolutely have to have. I even put up laundry T's with clothesline on the side of my house to dry laundry on, which has actually cause a significant savings in electricity simply for the fact of so much laundry being done here.

Anyway, enough of me, I just wanted to post an update because I know there are numerous people that are interested in this idea. I'm even more encouraged that several people have written me emails telling me they have started doing their own version of what I am doing. More power to all of you that are doing so! It matters now HOW you do it, the encouragement is that you ARE doing something!

Folks, if you don't want to do something like this, great - if you are able, perhaps you can donate some money to St. Mary's Food Bank and similar places which are seeing the largest numbers of people coming looking for food than they have ever seen. If you are not able - and you need a good, hot-cooked meal, well, my place is always open!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Help With Food

Since the last party, I have given out quite a bit of food. People have helped out with bringing food and that's great, in fact, God bless every person that has done so!
A couple of times in the last month, I have advertised on Craigslist "Food" heading and then inside of the ad I commit to giving one family $40 worth of food. The "winning" family only need send a list of what they think they would like to receive and I go to Fry's and buy it up. Usually, the lists are full of requests for meat.

The sad truth is, many of these families are people who have had 2 - great - incomes and are now faced with NO-ONE in the house working because of layoffs. The desperate tones I read again and again are heart-wrenching. Unemployment benefits only go so far. Even food stamps are usually insufficient to get people through an entire month, more like less than half a month. I've received emails from people who are going to church food handouts and going to the food banks. The problem with most of this is the fact that a lot of it is lacking in the meat department.

This week, Fry's is having a sale on meats that is pretty outstanding. 77 cents per pound chicken drumsticks. 97 cents per pound assorted pork loin chops. $1.88 per pound super lean ground beef - that's a GREAT deal for 93% lean beef.

I was there today, they had milk on sale - GALLON containers for 99 cents! Also had shredded and bar cheese for a buck a package. What am I encouraging you, those that can do something, to do? Yes. Go to Fry's, but $20 worth of food, get on Craigslist, say what you have. I guarantee you you will have more emails than you can deal with. Many of the people include the story of how they got to where they are at, and folks, it ISN'T pretty. You can make a 20 dollar bill go pretty far at Fry's right now.

And/or, I will unabashedly ask for money to buy food for those people. I could copy and paste dozens and dozens of emails just from the ad I ran the other day. I don't want to do that because I had to reveal a person's privacy, so I won't. BTW, many of these people are families with children. I can only do so much - my finances are as limited as anyone else's - but I do what I can. If you want to help out, I am going to give out a rather unique email address I have that I hardly use: - if you want to help me help others, simply email me at that address and I will give you my paypal account ID.

I have no problem asking the folks that have to give if they want to help the folks that do not have, as I am not going to take a single penny of anything for myself, as is the case with several donations I have received thus far. If you have a problem with it, well, I can only say my conscience is clear and will stay that way because my intenions are pure, and if that hasn't come out by now after all this time, there is nothing I can say that would change a person's mind, anyway.

Let me emphasize that I am NOT condemning folks that have that don't want to give to those that don't have enough food to eat. That is purely your decision and your right. My point is that the people that are asking are NOT moochers or life-long beggars, draining the system and abusing government handouts through food stamps and housing subsidies. I don't even have a problem with housing subsidies or food stamps - it's just become quite obvious that there are people out there abusing the system. No, the people that I am getting email from are people who are hard-working Americans, have an excellent work-ethic, and simply cannot find jobs right now. I give out food and I see it in their faces and they even voice it: they have never done anything like that before and feel very uncomfortable with it, but, their need is so great, they will do what they have to to survive.

Anyway, hope you all have a great day and my the Lord bless you and yours abundantly in every way!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So, I've totally changed my thinking about this situation and have been posting ads for free, cooked meals on any day that anyone wants to come. This seems to me to be more useful to those that have lost their jobs and are scratching and clawing to get by.
The meals I am giving out are not soup and crackers.
The thing that is happening that I am really liking is the fact that many people have now emailed me and said they are going to start feeding people that live in their area as well.
I am still considering doing another party - perhaps at a nearby park. However, it's much easier to execute such a thing at home with everything at hand instead of having to load everything up into the car and haul it over there.
So - I'm still not sure what I'm going to do about that and since I have started a different approach to this situation, I'm not feeling very pressed about it. There is 1 family and several individuals that are coming over today for dinner.

The people that are writing are seriously hurting. I'm not talking life-long moochers of the system, I'm talking about people with extreme work ethics who have been laid off from their jobs. These people would NEVER in normal times ask anyone for anything. One of the people that has come over here was obviously having a problem with their own view of taking handouts. As I have repeatedly stated - I make this a painless process. I am all about preserving the dignity of folks that are hit upon very bad times.

My statement for repayment someday is simply this: pay it forward. I don't want to be repaid, I want those people to see an opportunity when they are back on their feet to help someone out in whatever way and help them instead. This is the mentality of the society my parents grew up in - people that went through the Great Depression. This is the America that I know and love. Politics and harsh, personal opinion need to take a backseat when considering whoever it is that you know or know of that could use a helping hand - but that's just my opinion.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Food handouts and people coming over for food to eat - already cooked stuff - is slowly gaining interest.
A few factors that are causing people not to come that otherwise would are first: wondering whether I'm a nutcase/kook/the next mass murdered and second: human traits: pride and dignity definitely get in the way.
I'm a pretty laid-back person, I make the process as painless as possible.
A lady that had come to the party just stopped by here - they moved here from out-of-state not long ago and her boyfriend just found a job 2 days ago.
In the interim - they don't have much to eat.
They came here because there were no jobs where they were at.

Those stories are endless at this point in time - the news is reporting statements that the end of the freefall may be near. All nice and well, tell that to the almost 700,000 people who lost their jobs last month.

I also had the idea the other day of simply taking a person to Fry's (a grocery chain in Arizona) last week and get them $40 worth of food. The replies to that Craigslist ad were endless. I had it up less than 24 hours. Probably only needed to have it up 20 minutes! I just posted the ad and then went to bed, went to work and didn't get to check email until I got home. I truly wish I could have helped all of them - especially considering some of the stories that came with the replies of families that are cash-strapped, not eating well - or hardly at all - a lot of desperation out there.

Anyway, I won't be doing that again as I can't really afford to do that, I just wanted to do it once. There have also been some offers from people to bring food over. Anyone wanting to do that I will gladly accept it and give it out to those that stop by.

As for another party - just not sure yet. I've kinda busied myself giving out food both by having people over that are hungry, have them sit down and eat and also by simply giving stuff away. I have toyed with the idea of a "Park Restaurant" - having something like I had at my house - excepting doing it at a park. A lot more work that way, yes, but I imagine more people would be inclined to come since it isn't at a private residence.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Impromtu Parties

Folks, I'm just going to start throwing impromptu, short-notice parties. Another almnost 700,000 people lost their jobs last month. That's insane. I read about families all over the place suffering greatly. I can't handle that. I can do my own, small part - and I'm going to do it whenever I can. I give away food here and there on Craigslist. After the last party, I advertised some leftover stuff and the first family was here in less than 25 to 30 minutes after I posted the ad, asking for the food. I wanted to honor those that gave money and food towards the party and give it to people that really need it.

I have no idea where any of this is going to end. I don't believe anytime soon. In the interim, families that were living off of good/decent/whatever incomes are now on unemployment benefits and probably food stamps. You pay your bills - if you can do that on unemployment - and there isn't going to be anything left over. Food stamp benefits are awesome for those that need it - but doubtful enough to last an entire month.

As long as I'm still employed and bringing in a paycheck along with having tenants - I will do what I can. And again, I want to thank everyone that brought food for the party. Much of it was devoured - most of the rest of it was given to hungry people. Your food did not go to waste and it helped some people - if ever so temporal.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Funny thing happened yesterday right before the party was set to begin. The regulator valve on my propane grill stopped working. That grill is only 4 months old! I raced down to the Target where I bought it - they refused to give me one off an existing grill - they don't sell the regulators for the grills they sell. The manager absolutely refused to sell me one off an existing model. Grummmmmmmbbbbbling. I was very fortunate that Ace Hardware was right there and - I found out - yes, they sell those valves.

Racing back to my house, there were already 15 people showed up. Got the grill going, the guy doing the music had his equipment set up and he started cranking out the tunes. Excellent music, great voice. I'm propping this guy cause' he wants to try and get into doing gigs at whatever kinds of events, and yes, he's very good. I believe he was a contractor doing drywall - that kind of industry has totally tanked right now. Very talented individual - if anyone has something they need some live music for, I would definitely recommend him and can send you his info if desired.

At the heighth of attendance, there was about 75 people in the house, in my side yard and out front, plus news people. People brought all kinds of food. Attendees were both from Craigslist and from my local community.

One of my agendas that I came up with after I started this "project" was also accomplished. I was trying to get enough people from my immediate community together to start up a Neighborhood Association (much different than a Homeowner's Association, they're started up to help the people in the community).

The party was a total blast, I had a great time. People stayed as late as 8:00 pm. I was thinking of doing another party - but - it's going to start getting warm and an outdoor party really isn't the greatest thing from my perspective, but that's just because I'm working outside a lot. Actually, I was thinking of having another party possibly at a local park somewhere. I imagine more people would come just for fact of not having to come to a stranger's house.

Anyway, I want to thank everyone that helped out. People brought food, drinks, entertainment, a cool cop car and I'm hopeful that everyone that came had a good time as well.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Okay, in a little less than 6 hours we're going to be cooking and eatin'!
I want to thank the 4 individuals that have donated varying sums to help out with this party. It is VERY much appreciated, more than you know!

Just a couple of notes for those that are coming that might check the blog before they leave:
Plenty of parking up and down my street - just please do not block anyone's driveways.
Again, I have limited chairs - if you have lawnchairs, just bring your own if you are inclined to be sitting because I just don't have that many. Everyone will be invited into the house - for whatever room is available - as well, I'm just thinking this is definitely going to be more outside than inside type of deal.
Weather is good - beautiful, actually, today - couldn't have picked a better setting on the dial! - and thank God all the wind has died down that even shut down Sky Harbor the other day!

Also, the news will be here. They have assured me that they will not put anyone on TV that doesn't want to be. I think they did an excellent job of the story and believe they will do what they say they will do. They are very professional and respectful people, at least with my experience with them, so you really don't have to worry about that if you don't want your face plastered all over TV! lol. Quite amazingly, this story is being shown all over the country. Even more amazing - well - the thought of the news media getting involved never even crossed my mind, just didn't think this story would generate that kind of interest!

Anyway, look forward to seeing everyone that has RSVP'ed - and if you are just stopping by here and want to come, either leave your email address in the comments section of this post or find my ad on Craigslist and reply to it and I will send you the address.

Have a great day, everyone!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Just a quick note.
Channel 15 news was over here today. I went to Costco, bought the hamburger buns and hot dog buns - and a few brats - and some sodas and green tea drinks - and then they came over to my house.
I'm getting that this is a good story in the midst of a lot of bad stuff going on out there right now. A LOT of bad stuff.
I was quite impressed, too. The reporter and the cameraman were very nice (read: cool) and professional individuals. I sometimes get a "view" in my brain of what some of those people are like - this broke that stereotype in my mind.

They came over to my house and I read a couple of emails I have received. No names - just some of the unbelievable tragic stories. I hope that doesn't offend whoever's email I might have read - but as I said, no names, addresses, nothing too revealing, just the story. The story is happening over and over and over all over the place. If the average person can just put a face to the situation going on, then it becomes personal and starts to touch the heart and soul in a way that does not happen with the generalizations that you see in the news.

I am only adding this for those that may be skeptical about my intentions, or who I am, or why I'm doing this. It never started out to be anything more than just an offering to the community - as small as it may be - to give a moment of refreshing, a time to let go of the stuff that is going on in so many individual's lives.

I am not very good at talking in front of cameras, so if you watch it tonight, well, in "real person" I am a very much more relaxed individual. They are showing on the 10:00 oclock news.

Anyway, I thought about the number of people that have replied and the fact that I invited some of the community I live - and figured I better go back and get more hamburger buns! Lol.
I believe that I have responded to every email that has been sent to me at this point and also the email addresses that were listed on this blog on one of the entries.
So - if you wanted to come and sent me an email and I didn't respond - you will need to do so again as I must have missed it.

Just 3 more days and the party will be here!
If anyone else wants to come that hasn't RSVP'ed, please do so and I will send you my address.

Also - and again - I have limited amount of chairs so if you want a place to sit down, please think about bringing lawnchairs or something similar.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Unbelievable interest in this party has resurged.
I don't want to get in over my head, so I just deleted that last Craigslist posting.
For everyone that is coming, if you have lawn chairs or any kind of folding chairs, please bring some seating for yourselves because I simply don't have a lot. Sometimes people want to sit at parties, others want to stand and mingle.
Personally, I want to meet everyone that comes!
Anyway, I have replied to everyone that put their email address on the last blog posting here and am still replying to emails that are continuing to pour in.
As I said, I don't want the party to be a bust by not having enough food and drinks and such - though quite a number of you fine folks have said you are bringing stuff - so that will be a great help! Anyway, my house isn't the size of the Taj Mahal, so I figured I better cut it off. Anyone that has already emailed will get a reply with address, just not going to have that latest posting up on CL.
I'm looking forward to a great time with everyone!
BTW, it sounds like a lot of kids are coming - if anyone has ideas how to keep them entertained while everyone else is mingling, I would definitely be open to it. I have teenaged boys - but they are totally into Playstation III and other video game systems/games. However, they do like to play football - maybe some football in a nearby grassy area - with adult supervision of course - would be cool?!!
Open to ideas!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Today - and tomorrow probably - I will be sending out emails to everyone that RSVP'ed for this coming Saturday's party. If you RSVP'ed but don't receive a confirmation email from me with my address and directions by the end of tomorrow - please write me again.

I actually have no idea how many people will actually show versus the number that have RSVP'ed - which is why I am continuing to take anyone that wants to come on the list.

What I do continue to receive are some pretty sad stories about families that have no income besides unemployment and many that are facing homelessness.

I simply don't have the answers, but I'm with you and I hope that somehow, everyone finds a way through all of this.

Also, a couple named Bill and Julie had voiced their desire to come -on the comments section of one of these blog entries, but I never got an email from you to send you my address - the ad is still up on CL, if you can simply reply to that ad I can send you the information.

Hope everyone has a great day, regardless of the chaotic climate going on around us.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Drawing Closer

Just a couple of weeks until the next party!
I have been replying to a lot of emails - some are RSVP'ing for the party, others are making comments.
If you sent me an RSVP email and I haven't replied to it yet, please re-send. I have had a lot of email and may have missed yours.
Also, the question of children has arisen.
Of course children are welcome, I have a teenaged son and his friends who spend entire weekends over here!
Also just wanted to say thank you to the gentleman that sent a donation towards the party - greatly appreciated and will be used for the purpose you intended it for.

Again - for those that are just coming onto this blog - this is a free dinner. I do not expect or require anyone to bring anything. If you DO bring something, that would be great! If you show up empty-handed - no problem! If you show up empty-handed with a dozen people - cool! This is sort of a dinner and BBQ combined, as I will be grilling steaks, hamburgers, brats and hot dogs, but there will also be coleslaw and probably some sort of side dish as well, as well as various kinds of drinks.

As for the economy - well, we all know where that is right now. Personally, my company is shutting down stores, laying off people and are talking about combining divisions. 10% of our workforce was let go early last year, another couple thousand nationwide have been let go since then. As all companies are doing - they are doing whatever they have to to survive, unfortunately, that means workforce reductions (nice way to put it). I feel very fortunate to still be amongst the employed - but there are no guarantees.

Anyway, I just wanted to do an update and let everyone know the party is still a go!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I just bought 25 steaks the frozen, high quality stuff that you get through delivery) for this party, lol. THOSE will be on a first come, first served basis! After that, you'll have to resign yourselves to pulled pork BBQ sandwiches (absolutely delicious!); hamburgers; some brats and then after that the lowly ole' hot dog.
Remember, this is a FREE party, there is no cover charge, I don't expect anyone to bring anything (but you most certainly can bring something if you want to!). I made some homemade coleslaw at the last party that I absolutely loved (whether anyone else did or not, lol). Gonna do that again.
I was thinking of doing an early afternoon party, but I have had email from people thinking this was going to be a night thing. Doesn't matter to me- whatever anyone wants to do! Maybe start mid-afternoon and cruise into the night.

My heart goes out to the hundreds of people that have written about their situations - people that are losing their homes, that is something that is just unfathomable to me. These aren't lazy moochers, either, these are hard-working people that have had the misfortune of losing their job and not being able to find another. Unemployment benefits are better than nothing - but it certainly doesn't cover the cost of most home mortgages in this market.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Is This A Scam?

Just want to address that issue on this third posting on this blog.
I have no ulterior motives, I am not selling something, there will be no sexual advances when you come over here. I am not a mortgage broker or a "modification specialist". I work in the Waterworks industry - which sells fire hydrants and underground pipe to contractors. I don't know of too many households that I could sell that kind of stuff to, so you're pretty safe there.

I am also not a religious fanatic - though I have ties to religion, you aren't going to get preached at.

If there's one point I want to make through these parties - it's a very simple one: I firmly believe that the old ways are the best ways - people take care of people. Still many people in the U.S. that also believe this - help one another if you can help. If you can't - don't worry about it. Do what you can. If you're the one in need, it never used to be that you had to hide it because you would lose your dignity and pride. No-one wants to be humiliated. How can you help it if you lost your job because the company you are working for is tanking due to the economy? You can't.
That cascades into losing your home. Potentially and realistically in many cases, that can result in being homeless. This is a national tragedy that is affecting literally millions and millions of lives - both adult and children. We see it in the news, but do you see it personally? Odds are - eventually - you will. I have received hundreds of emails from people that have lost their jobs and now are going to lose their homes. It's no longer just the bad deals that were made, now it's affecting the working class that - wouldn't be losing their homes if they hadn't lost their jobs.

In my humble opinion, we simply need to start looking around us. People don't want to look like they're needy. Do we know our neighbors? Do you know the family 2 doors down? 3 doors down? People you know could be hurting tremendously and you may know nothing about it. It's a simple matter of starting to ask what's going on with your neighbors, your friends, your family. The families that are JUST barely eeking by on one income - those people could use a little extra food. Maybe pay an electric bill for them, whatever you can do! I KNOW there are people that are not hurting - everything's fine and rosy regardless and you are the folks that can help.

That is my heart in all of this. If I can start a spark - if something could start happening all over the valley - where people open their eyes and realize that the Joneses are no longer trying to do anything but stay afloat - maybe we can ease this suffering just a little bit.

Hey, I lost hours at work. Enough that I had to make some serious choices about things around my home. I made my choices and now? Foreclosure isn't a word I'm willing to have to deal with in my personal life - I will fight and claw and do whatever I have to to make it through this mess. So are many, many other people. The effect of what I ended up doing actually has caused me to have more than I need. Which is pretty cool, and I don't even have to go to a second job (and not, I am not doing anything immoral or illegal).

The invitation to this party/dinner is open to everyone - whether you are doing great or you are hurting badly. I intend on having a good time - just like at the last party.


I've had numerous emails from people stating that the day I have picked isn't a good one for them - asking whether I can change the date or just let them know when I do another one.
It's certainly early enough that the date could be changed.
My reading into all of this is that Sunday is a better day than Saturday because there are many people that work on Saturdays.

Enough consensus and I can change the date to a Sunday - let me know!
This second party will consist of mostly the same thing I had at the first:
BBQ-ed pulled pork sandwiches
Hot Dogs
Maybe a few steaks
Chips and dip
Maybe a few beers (but do not want to turn this into drunken debauchery, thanks!)

My house is located near 40th Street & Baseline in Phoenix, near the Tempe/Phoenix border.
If the date doesn't get changed, I will be sending out emails to everyone that RSVP'ed with my address.
Anyone wanting to help out or bring food - please do! (and please let me know what you intend on doing so I can account for that).
But- I am not expecting that of anyone, especially those that have lost homes, jobs and are struggling. Some people have stated that they can't even make it here for lack of funds to put gas in their gas tanks.
And - if you're well off, come anyway! The more the merrier!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Date Is Set At March 28th, 2009

Hi everyone!
I'm using this blog as a contact point for everyone to be able to communicate with each other.
That can simply be done by leaving comments - those of you who wish so, can comment with each other back and forth.
As for me, I have no ulterior motives in this.
I have had people write me and tell me that they thought this was a scam (several of those) or that I am a nutcase - and a few other things.
My heart is pure in this - and apparently that came through and commented as such.

There is NO profit being made here, I am not asking for donations for my own personal use, I have not asked anyone for anything excepting for those that want to help out on the day of the party.
Channel 15 news got wind of the first party and wants to follow through with this one.
Although I really don't want the media involved with this, on the other hand, I do believe a bright spot in the daily depth and death of finanicial news might be a good thing.
I watch this stuff closely - my job is at stake as well as everyone else's.
Without going into all the negativity - we get enough of that - the good news is that this financial meltdown does have an ending to it, we will make it through this - though many in very undesirable conditions - and hopefully we can come out the other side without a lot of bitterness, hate, anger or eternal fear.

I want everyone to come. Everyone that wants to come - poor, rich, whatever - employed, unemployed - lost your home, about to lose your home, no fear of losing your home - if you have any inclination in being a part of this, your status should not be a factor.

Let's spark the ignition of hope into our community. The whole thing is a statement - not just a party (though I love parties!).

I will start emailing back everyone that has emailed me about wanting to be a part in whatever way - and everyone will get this URL.

If you like, in the comments, introduce yourself, who you are - where you're at - the human element must never be lost.